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Message #213 of 317  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Starting to believe that John Schuerholz is a racist.
Date:  8/2/06, 5:25am
I know this is a crazy, shooting from the hip accusation, but John Schuerholz just recently traded Wilsom Betemit. In my opinion, he was the best young hitting talent they had in their organization. He should have been set to take over for Chipper Jones. Schuerholz has also shopped around Andruw Jones. I know he is set to make a bunch of money next season, but Andruw is worth it & he is like having a damn good relief pitcher because he'll save you a run a game just by his defense. We all know his bat is pretty good to. Schuerholz also just traded Jorge Sosa, the only black pitcher they had. In the past Schuerholz has traded guys like Fred McGriff, when he was still in his prime, Jermaine Dye, Gary Matthews Jr., Dieon Sanders when he was in his prime, Ron Gant(in his prime). These are just to name a few. Imagine if the Braves had kept either Dye or Matthews Jr. I don't wan't to hear about economics. You never hear about the Braves wanting to trade Chipper Jones. He makes a lot of money also. Chipper, in my opinion should be traded before Andruw. Chipper has stayed on the DL a lot more lately. Andruw is rarely on the DL. Everytime it seems I start liking one of the Braves players, Schuerholz trades them. A lot of those players were just coincidently black or hispanic, or dominican. The Atlanta Braves in my opinion have become the "good ole white boy" organization. Quiet frankly, trading Betemit was & will prove to be the absolute dumbest thing John Schuerholz has ever done, next to trading Matthews Jr. & Jermaine Dye, who the Braves & Schuerholz gave up on far too early in their careers. I hope Betemit truly comes back to haunt Schuerholz & the Braves one day in a very big way just to shove it up John Schuerholz racist ass!

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Message #214 of 317  *NEW*
To:  drrubb
Subject:  Re: Starting to believe that John Schuerholz is a racist.
Date:  8/2/06, 5:34pm
I dunno about THAT, but Omar Minaya is DEFINITELY a racist.

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Message #215 of 317  *NEW*
To:  drrubb
Subject:  Re: Starting to believe that John Schuerholz is a racist.
Date:  8/2/06, 8:03pm (Last Edited: 8/2/06, 8:16pm)
I've never thought of Schuerholz as a racist, but the big trades in recent years that you brought up might prove the accusation to be true. The trades of great players and a few potential Hall of Famers-- especially McGriff-- in favor of mediocre players-- mostly caucasian-- taking their spots certainly gives a good amount of credibility towards your argument. As far as I know, Schuerholz has never publicly made a racist comment.

On the other hand, the Dodgers used to have a GM named Al Campanis who appeared to be color-blind in every way. He volunteered to be Jackie Robinson's roommate in 1946 and was credited by Robinson himself for making the transition to second base much easier. As a GM, players throughout the league, regardless of color, regarded him as a fair judge of talent and it showed with the Dodger teams Campanis put out on the field during the '70's and '80's. He even had pictures of Robinson, Roberto Clemente, Abraham Lincoln, and former L.A. Mayor Tom Bradley prominently displayed in his office. Today, he's better known for the infamous interview he had with Ted Koppel in '87, when he made racist comments in general about blacks and said that none of them should ever manage a team. Go figure!!!!! As Bill Bradley once said, race relations are never very simple.

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Message #216 of 317  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Subject:  Re: Starting to believe that John Schuerholz is a racist.
Date:  8/2/06, 8:47pm
Well, I don't want my comment to be taken out of context. I certainly don't want to be the Ozzie Guillen of this website. I can go on & name other non caucassion players Schuerholz has traded in the 90's up until now. I guess you can't argue with the success the Braves have had over the past 14 or 15 seasons, but it just seems awfully fishy to me. It is a brash statement I will admit. I'm certainly not trying to attack white players by any means.

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Message #230 of 317  *NEW*
To:  drrubb's Blog Thread
Subject:  Re: Starting to believe that John Schuerholz is a racist.
Date:  2/24/07, 4:06pm
How is it a racist trade when Betemit was moved for a Cuban relief pitcher and a Dominican infielder?

Racism will not end until people quit trying to put it into situations where it just doesn't exist.

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