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Message #242 of 317  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  fantasy
Date:  5/29/07, 1:08pm
Whats up with Lester in Boston? Last I heard he had a solid outing in triple A. Anybody know if they will bring him up any time soon? And is he worth a spot on a roster of a 12 team mix league?

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Message #243 of 317  *NEW*
To:  gophills25
Rob Reed  
Subject:  Re: fantasy
Date:  5/29/07, 7:00pm
>Whats up with Lester in Boston? Last I heard he had a solid
>outing in triple A. Anybody know if they will bring him up any
>time soon? And is he worth a spot on a roster of a 12 team mix

Hi GoPhils:

Lester just completed his 4th rehab start, but it has only been about 16 IP... I am sure that the Sox want him to get a "spring training's" worth of innings, so expect a few more rehab starts, I would think.

He looks good, though.

Personally, I think he is a better pitcher than his stats from last year. It seemed that everytime that I paid attention to him, he was doing something amazing, so I absolutely believe he is a great option in a 12 team format.

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