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  BGEEKS Stats ~ Sign-Up As New User ~ Message Areas ~ FAQ Home : BaseballGeeks : General Discussion : Reading "The position players who shouldn't have been all stars." Thread

Message #246 of 317  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  The position players who shouldn't have been all stars.
Date:  7/3/07, 7:15am

Ivan Rodriguez - much less the AL starting catcher. The starting AL catcher should be Victor Martinez or Jorge Posada. My vote, by a slight margin, Martinez.

Micheal Young - a great player yes, but how did Orlando Cabrera not make the all start team? Here is how I would rank the AL shortstops going strictly by the numbers so far this season.

1. Carlos Guillen - should be the AL starting SS, NOT JETER!
2. Orlando Cabrera
3. Branden Harris - Yeah I said it! A Devil Ray! He has been better than Jeter this season.
4. Derek Jeter


Brian McCann - ? Atleast he wasn't selected as the starter. Surely there is another NL catcher, besides Martin who has put up better first half numbers than McCann?

Freddy Sanchez - the numbers just aren't there

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Message #247 of 317  *NEW*
To:  drrubb
Rob Reed  
Subject:  Re: The position players who shouldn't have been all stars.
Date:  7/3/07, 4:43pm
I think that McCann gets in for his performance last year, and that makes a lot of sense to me. When the season is over, the pick will look like a good one.

McCann has a good 15-18 HRs left in the tank when all is said and done and I suspect he'll be a top 5 catcher by season's end.

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