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Message #52 of 317  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject: Podcast #2 is now online...
Date:  1/14/06, 1:12pm
and it can be played from the homepage by clicking the play button under the headline.

This week, we address the salary cap and hall of fame issues discussed here, took at a look at the Top Ten 2005 1B from, feature a "False Rumor" quiz that you avid readers of the site will find easy, and discuss another of our "Biggest Fantasy Mistakes" from last year.

Your comments and suggestions are very important to us... let us know what you think here.

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Message #53 of 317  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: Podcast #2 is now online...
Date:  1/14/06, 9:31pm
Awesome Rob & Gregg! As good as the first one was, this one was even better. I believe it was twice as good. I appreciate the drrubb plug about being a Yankee hater. I enjoyed that a lot & I will continue to hate the Yankees with a passion. My father, who was in the BBM league last season also listened to both & thought that the second podcast was better. Rob, I liked your idea about the owners having a salary cap, although, like you said, that will never happen UNFORTUNATELY! Stienbrenner & the Yanks will continue to monopolize baseball & the main stream media will aid them by forcing the NY Yankees & their expensive star power in America's ears. Easy to run a franchise when you are in the biggest market & have a bottomless checkbook, & the media wipes everyone's ass that is associated with the Yankees. Unfortunately, this is just the way it is & it is just a hard ugly cruel fact of life that Yankee haters like me will have to continue to deal with. IT SUCKS ASS.

Great job on the podcast! Looking forward to the next one!

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Message #54 of 317  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  Re: Podcast #2 is now online...
Date:  1/15/06, 10:24am
Excellent commentary on the salary cap situation. Unfortunately, there probably won't be one until after Steinbrenner sells the Yankees, but I believe it's going to happen eventually. Fans are already griping about paying $10-15 for simply parking in a ballpark. Soon enough, people will revolt against baseball for paying top dollars for nosebleed seats. That's when the salary issue will gain more prominence.
The "false rumor quiz" was also quite intriguing and I got a big chuckle out of the Bob Uecker line from the Major League movie regarding sponsorships at the end of the BGP. Nice touch..

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Message #55 of 317  *NEW*
To:  Jaydawg
Subject:  Re: Podcast #2 is now online...
Date:  1/15/06, 2:41pm
My fear about going to see a New York Yankee game. How much am I going to have to pay for a nosebleed seat? I shouldn't have to pay more than 10 or 15 bucks for shitty ass seats in Yankee Stadium. For God's sakes! I hate them! I am also one of the few people who could care less about Yankee Stadium & it's history. I bet you could get seats right behind homeplate in Tampa or Atlanta for the same price you would pay for nosebleed seats in Yankee Stadium. YUCK! This is why they can get away with raping other baseball teams of their talent & pay them handsomly because the nosebleed seats in Yankee Stadium probably still cost more than 80 or 90 percent of any other seats in any other major league ballpark. The sad thing is, the Yankee's still saleout because of just the sheer popultion of New York City alone. How can they not fill that stadium? People in New York must make a SHITLOAD of money to go to those games on a fairly regular basis.

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Message #56 of 317  *NEW*
To:  drrubb
Subject:  Re: Podcast #2 is now online...
Date:  1/15/06, 3:46pm
Thanks drruub and jaydawg. Rob and I were a little more anxious about doing this podcast since we knew people actually listened to the first. We're working hard on it and hope to make it better each week. Don't hesitate to send in suggestions and, by all means, tell friends to check it all out.

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Message #57 of 317  *NEW*
To:  Reedster
Subject:  Re: Podcast #2 is now online...
Date:  1/19/06, 2:47am
Easygoing style, with a few laughs, packed with info. These geeks will be in my corner this season.

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