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  BGEEKS Stats ~ Sign-Up As New User ~ Message Areas ~ FAQ Home : BaseballGeeks : General Discussion : Reading "Grady Little" Thread

Message #60 of 317  *NEW*
To:  Podcast
Subject:  Grady Little
Date:  1/21/06, 8:16am
Grady Little is media savvy? Let me know how that goes after you hear him respond with "manager's decision" after he brings the right handed bat boy in to pitch the 8th against a left handed cleanup hitter. Remember that quote, "manager's decision". Or when he starts talking about frog toungues and other random dribble when you're looking for baseball answers.

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Message #61 of 317  *NEW*
To:  orourkj
Subject:  Re: Grady Little
Date:  1/21/06, 12:05pm
You sound quite a bit more aware of Mr. Little's responses to in-season moves. I must admit to being a bit taken by his folksy sense of humor, given the expectations for media savviness in L.A. I've also gotten used to seeing the DOdgers lose a lot in the past decade so my expectations may be a bit low. I am expecting, though, that he can do a decent job with this ballclub. He had a lot of fans among Boston players that I respect.

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