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Message #86 of 317  *NEW*
To:  All
The Best Is  
Subject:  Spring
Date:  3/3/06, 11:41am
Will Pudge make a comeback?

Who is better Barry or Hank?

Is Hank Blalock overated?

Is Chase Utley the best fantasy second basemen?

Did Toronto buy a title?

What make Beltran so special?

Why pick a pitchter in the 1st round of a fantasy draft?

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Message #87 of 317  *NEW*
To:  The Best Is
Subject:  Re: Spring
Date:  3/3/06, 11:56am
>Will Pudge make a comeback?

He is on the downhill, but I would take last year's stats at the catcher position in a second. I just wouldn't want to pay a lot for it (and that will be hard to do, even this year).

>Who is better Barry or Hank?

Character: Hank Aaron by a HUGE margin. Ability: Barry Bonds by a HUGE margin.

>Is Hank Blalock overated?

No way. Barely 25 years old. Guy will be a monster fantasy guy for years to come (think Rolen, and better than Chavez has been).

>Is Chase Utley the best fantasy second basemen?

No doubt. 5x5 guy.

>Did Toronto buy a title?

I am not sold that they can beat the Yanks. Halladay and Burnett stay healthy, anything is possible with this team. I reserve judgment, and answer a copped-out "Maybe."

>What make Beltran so special?

That he can run and has shown some potential for big power numbers, in the mold of an Abreu, but not quite there yet.

>Why pick a pitchter in the 1st round of a fantasy draft?

Because you got a low pick, and the big guys are already gone. Otherwise, stay away (unless the pitcher also has 40 HR potential and, if in the AL, will be DH'ing, also).

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Message #88 of 317  *NEW*
To:  The Best Is's Blog Thread
Ghost of Chet Lemon  
Subject:  Re: Spring
Date:  3/3/06, 2:02pm
Will Pudge make a comeback?

Will he be better than last year? Yes. Will he put up career numbers? No. Will his lasting legacy to the Tigers be how he helps to develope their young pitchers? Definetly

Who is better Barry or Hank?

Is Hank Blalock overated?

Until he can hit left-handed hitting, yes. He may be young, but he should be better at that by now.

Is Chase Utley the best fantasy second basemen?

Right now, yes. But Rickie Weeks and Jorge Cantu may have something to say about that before the year is up.

Did Toronto buy a title?

No, but they did buy a little better third place finish in the east.

What make Beltran so special?

The power/speed combo that everyone craves. I think that this is the year he puts it all together. A year into NYC and a great supporting cast.

Why pick a pitchter in the 1st round of a fantasy draft?

Never, never, never. Especially this year. There is not a great enough disparity between the 1st rd pitchers and the 4-5 rd pitchers.

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Message #89 of 317  *NEW*
To:  The Best Is
Subject:  Re: Spring
Date:  3/4/06, 11:23pm
Will Pudge make a comeback?

Pudge might be on the decline offensively when compared to the numbers he used to put up in his Ranger days, but he didn't ever fall off defensively. He might not be my first choice for a fantasy team, but in reality he is my first round catcher. No one has been better behind the plate. I hope he represents Puerto Rico (La Isla del Encanto) well at the WBC.

Who is better Barry or Hank?

This might not be the politically correct answer, but Barry Bonds gets the edge here. I don't think the question asks us to address character, but rather who is the better ball player. No one has changed the way a game is managed the way Barry has. He would already be the homerun champ if he was pitched to.

Is Hank Blalock overated?

I didn't know Blalock was that highly rated. He is solid and will only get better. His only problem is that he plays for the Rangers.

Is Chase Utley the best fantasy second basemen?

Yes. Easy question.

Did Toronto buy a title?

Nope. They did improve on paper, but so did the New York teams last season. Low and behold, the series feautred Houston and the Chi-sox. Totonto's newly acquired studs weren't winners anywhere else, just fantasy numbers.

What make Beltran so special?

Do you have to ask? I can understand if you didn't see him play his rookie year because he was in KC. KC is never on national tv except when they play high profile teams. However, you should have caught highlights on Sportscenter and read the baseball mags and websites about how this young Puerto Rican was such badass. He was the only one who showed up against St Louis in the 2004 playoffs. It's no wonder he left Houston, although I wish he would have stayed. He's also exciting to watch. I hope this wasn't a serious question.

Why pick a pitchter in the 1st round of a fantasy draft?

Exactly. Why? As juicy and tempting it may be to snag Santana if you get late round drafts by th "randomizer", there are too many pitchers that can produce close enough numbers as Santana that will be available in the later rounds.

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Message #92 of 317  *NEW*
To:  The Best Is
Guest7878 (IP:  
Subject:  Re: Spring
Date:  3/5/06, 6:46am
Will Pudge make Comeback?

Only if he adds back the 20-30 lbs of muscle he lost, know what I mean?

Hank or Barry?

Hammerin Hank is the better person, by a wide margin.

Blalock Overrated?

Not playing in Texas. If he got traded to the Padres, he would be.

Utley best Fantasy 2B?

Going into the year, Yes. Won't be going into next year.

Did Toronto buy title?

No! They bought improvement.

Why is Beltran special?

He sure wasn't last year. Power and speed everwhere else but in Shea.

Pitcher in 1st round?

Yes, if his name is Babe Ruth. Seriously, yes in some head to head leagues that reward complete games and shutouts with big bonuses, and in leagues that are 20 deep.

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