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  BGEEKS Stats ~ Sign-Up As New User ~ Message Areas ~ FAQ Home : BaseballGeeks : Pittsburgh Pirates : Reading "My loyalty is not for sale (yet)" Thread

Message #19 of 41  *NEW*
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RJ Warner  
Subject:  My loyalty is not for sale (yet)
Date:  5/6/06, 4:33pm
There has been a buzz about the Kansas City Royals fan who has sold of his loyalty to the Royals on eBay. All he could fetch was about 278 bucks and some hilarious publicity. The winner of the auction also gets to choose the next team the former Royals fan will now support.

As I read this, of course I thought: hmmmm, maybe I can get some extra scratch by auctioning off my love for the buccos. I could get a little more dough than the Royals fan, what with the longer history, five world titles, Honus Wagner, Pie Traynor, Clemente, Stargell, and the fam-a-lee. Hell, learning the 5,000 nicknames they have (Bucs, buccos, etc.) are worth $278 alone

No way. The Pirates are weaved into the fabric of my life; and ripping the stitching out would leave only tattered remains of my soul. I know that sounds pompous and over-literary, but it's true.

Jumping ship just because a team is losing isn't the mark of a true fan. I bet that 278 bucks that this guy was never really that much of a Royals' lover anyway. He might of followed the box scores, a few of their "stars" and thumped his chest when they won, but that's it. He was probably the kind of jerk that had World Series tickets in 1985, only to sell them off to a scalper.

I stick with my team, love, lumps and all. Sure, I'm taking those lumps now, and I'm taking them hard. I won't give up. I go to less games now, because I have a busy work schedule and I'm reluctant to empty my wallet for Kevin Mclatchy, the worst owner in baseball. I still follow them, bitch about them to my co-workers, and blog about them. I still buy books about Clemente, Wagner and Forbes Field. I still have my baseball that former left fielder Al Martin turned and threw to me between innings of a game, for no apparent reason. I still laugh when I recall how we heckled the Padres bullpen, only to watch them come in blow the game (we still take credit for that one win out of thousands).

Should I sell my memories of my first game my dad took me to, or my first home opener (against the 1986 Mets)? I haven't missed one since. Should I sell the memory of having the Pirates come to my little league field for an instructional clinic, a player complimenting a throw I made, then calling my name out in a raffle for an autographed ball (still have that one too) and shaking my hand? Should I sell the memory of hooking school (high school and college) to catch those getaway day games, meeting friends in the parking lot for a cold one and a catch? In fact, I have tickets for a game on Thursday and I plan on going.

No, I'll be there. Just like I always will. You can keep the 278 bucks. I'll keep my memories and the tortured, misguided hope for the future.

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