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Message #224 of 317  *NEW*
To:  all
dr. met  
Subject:  Yeankees out in 1st round!?!?!?!?
Date:  10/9/06, 10:20am (Last Edited: 10/9/06, 10:23am)
Can you believe it??? Yankees knocked out in 1st round?? I was sooooo happy when the yankees got knocked out. All the the yankee fans and sports talk show hosts here in New York & New Jersey where giving the Tigers 0-1 wins in the series and it was over in 4 games. All of you Tiger fans should be feeling pretty good about the ALCS against the A's.

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Message #225 of 317  *NEW*
To:  dr. met
Subject:  Re: Yeankees out in 1st round!?!?!?!?
Date:  10/9/06, 9:16pm
The Yankee loss is proof once again that the highest payroll doesn't guarantee a title. This is another reason why a salary cap is important because the Yankee fans have ended up with a raw deal in recent years with the big increases in ticket pricing, so Steinbrenner can pay the high priced and underachieving players. The monster turnaround by the Tigers is the best I've seen in a team in one year and they should put up a hell of a series with the A's. The Mets are probably the favorites at this point to win it all, especially if Glavine keeps pitching well.

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